Pro Witch Tip…

Pro Witch Tip #375 (again, since “Where Darkness Falls” has a witch as a main character, I consider this on-topic):

Thinking back to that “person who blabbed about the binding spell” incident… Timing can be everything. Certain phases of the Moon, and certain seasons in the cycle of the Sun through the Wheel of the Year, will empower or scupper your spellwork. If you’re the sort who puts a lot of stock in Mercury retrograde, then you’d never consider working a binding or curse during that period because the very condition of Mercury retrograde makes things rebound on their sender, or just go wonky and hare off in the opposite direction from what’s intended.

Generally speaking, this is my protocol:
— Spells of increase during the waxing or full Moon; spells of decrease during the waning or new Moon.
— Follow the life cycle of the God through the Wheel of the Year: spells for new projects when He is in His childhood phase, spells for fulfillment/completion when He is the ripe grain in the field, spells for closure/endings when He is old and dying.
— Astronomical phenomena provide a bit of a boost to certain things, but any kind of spell can be performed at any time. I’ve done spells for increase/prosperity during Samhain season at the waning Moon and had them turn out just fine.
Any questions, feel free to ask. 🙂

Since “Where Darkness Falls” involves witchcraft, this post is actually on-topic…

Inspired by a post on a FB witchery group…

Pro Witch Tip #374: If you do a binding spell on somebody (wrap photo around a stone, cast into a river, etc), you DO NOT GO AROUND TELLING EVERYBODY YOU KNOW, so that word eventually gets back to your target. Especially when your target has witch friends of their own.

That’s a sure way to get an “uncrossing and return to sender” spell fired right back at you. Probably with a lot of extra spin to make it hurt even worse (and a clause in there taking advantage of the fact that you’re blabbing about what you did).

Plus they KNOW where you cast the stone into the river, so they can go right there and perform the uncrossing/return to sender spell on the very spot, or damned close to it.


Writing a novel: Is it freelancing?

Found on a FB writers group:

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My answer:

Writing novels can be freelance work, but usually isn’t. The term “freelancing” (says the professional freelancer) generally implies taking on contract work, or otherwise limited-term jobs, FOR PAY. So unless you’re hired to do it and are getting paid for it… nope, not freelancing. 🙂

(And that’s all I’m up for today, folks. I’m working like mad on two freelance commercial art jobs, so it’s comics comics comics aaaaaaallllll the way down!)

Interview strategies: “Huh?” *scratches head*

Came across this question on a FB writers group recently…

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I’ve been on live interviews a number of times, and if someone interviewing me used a word I wasn’t clear on, I would likely say: “I’m not sure what you mean, would you mind clarifying?” Or I’d play it for delight: “Oh! There’s a word I’ve never encountered before as a writer! Please, enlighten me — what does it mean?”

As long as you keep an upbeat attitude, the audience will (likely) be on your side. 🙂

Utahraptor, William Stout, and one incredible convention sketch

A cool story about dinosaurs, that’s all… and about one of the greatest dinosaur artists of all time. I’ve told it before, but that was a while ago. 🙂 
I was incredibly fortunate to get a Utahraptor sketch from William Stout at a convention several years ago. I caught him before the dealers room opened (being a guest of the convention myself), and he did it for free — I was seriously fangirling on him, telling him that the very first book I ever bought with my own money was “Dinosaurs”, and so forth — and I didn’t find out until later that it was the equivalent of a $150 convention sketch… or so I’ve been told. In any case, it’s amazing and I will treasure it always.

William Stout Sketch MEDIUM

Wild Prairie Fur Con 2019: “Furassic Park”

The Wild Prairie Fur Con’s website is up for their 2019 convention, huzzah! I’m really looking forward to attending their second year! The 2019 theme is “Furassic Park”, which should be loads of fun!
(I’m a “Furry Friend” rather than an actual Furry, and went to the first WPFC mostly out of curiosity, but the folks at the convention were so warm and friendly and welcoming that they completely won me over. I’ll be supporting their event whenever possible in the years to come.)
Wild Prairie Fur Con 2019: Furassic Park

Today I might take some time to start sketching out my Crow accessories for the WPFC. One issue will be cutting out the wings and tail, but I should be able to manage by purchasing big sheets of black matte board or black foam core from either Staples or Artists Emporium. Using metallic silver markers, I can then add detailing to the forms. A bigger issue: how best to attach them to me so that they can be easily handled (when it comes to things like sitting in chairs), not to mention put on and taken off.

After over two and a half decades away, it looks like I’m getting back into the realm of costuming again. 🙂

Me wearing crow mask for furry convention

Banner Art: A 2’x4′ vinyl sign for Keycon 36

Since I’m splitting an 8′ dealer table in the Keycon 36 Marketplace with a fellow artist, I plan to have a 2’x4′ vinyl sign printed to hang over the table front on my side. This is the latest version, based on a photo taken by Kevin Grummett at my November 10th book signing.

I welcome any thoughts or pointers, since this isn’t usually the kind of design work I do. 🙂

Lauren Alder 2s4 Keycon banner WHITE backgrd fade NEW TEXT proof